
Urban Street Clothing – Styling Up the Hip Hop Way

From the streets of New York to the lanes of America, the hip hop culture has come a long way. Hip hop has not only revolutionized music but has also drastically changed fashion to a great extent. Since street clothing is leaning towards becoming more of a comfort style, this fashion is one that will take over the world by storm.It is hard not to correlate hip hop music to this style because the music was the major catalyst that started the change. There was a drive within the music that made the youth express themselves loud and clear through their Iphone 4s Charger dress. This was the way to get Android Phones people’s attention, by voicing out your opinions through actions. And of course these acts were being listened to people all over.All of this started due to discrimination and ignorance. The people who were following the hip hop culture were looked down upon by the “sophisticated” people in society. But thankfully, all of that has changed. Instead of this degrading inequality, now all of the classes are influenced by the same culture.There is now a sense of unity and welcoming in the world, thanks to the urban hip hop wear. Whether it is the rich or the poor, the style brings along happiness and togetherness to anyone and everyone. The great thing about these products is that it is not only affordable but also carries around a great impact to different groups.The most common types of urban street clothing are huge accessories such as blings, basketball caps and t-shirts that are a size or two too big. The typical shirts worn are usually American football jerseys or basketball jerseys worn over a white shirt. In addition, large leather jackets are one of the defining pieces that come into mind with this fashion.Regardless of all the drama that has come to the birth of urban hip hop wear, the main idea of this style is still vivid; this is another way for man to express himself. While trying to standout from the conformists, you are taking a stand to who you are and what you believe in.

