
Should You Feed Birds In Your Garden

As a means of attracting birds to your back yard or garden, you might choose to put up bird houses at a variety of strategic points in your yard to provide protection for the birds. In addition to providing them with a home, it also brings them close enough for you to watch over them throughout the year.However, once you have placed these bird houses in your garden, you have a decision to make. Should you feed them or not feed them. Some purists feel that you should not feed them less wholesale shoes they become dependent on you and lose their natural wild life survival instincts. Others believe that without help, especially during the colder winter months when food may be hard to come by, the birds will not make it through the winter.Unfortunately, there is not an absolute right or wrong answer to that question. Everyone has to decide for themselves the right thing to do. Keep in mind, however, that if you do make the decision to set up feeders for the birds and set food out for them - once you begin, be prepared to continue. Because, whether you like it or not, you have made them partially dependent on your generosity. The birds that live in your garden, as well as the birds that visit your garden will come to depend on a certain amount of food being at your place.In order to survive, birds need to be constantly on the lookout for food sources. From the time they get up in the early dawn, they are looking for food. And, with the exception of a couple of midday rest breaks, they spend most of the day until dark looking for food. My personal belief is that man has spent centuries slowly destroying their natural wildlife habitats and feeding areas. A nice way to give something back is Syma S108G to provide feeding areas in your back yard or garden which you make a good effort to keep stocked and replenished.So what are the best foods to feed them? It's hard to go wrong if you simply follow two rules. Give them staples and give them variety.Staples are meant to keep your wholesale nail art bird friends alive. The most common staples are seeds and grains. They are perfect staples for a couple of reasons. Correctly stored, they will last you a long time. So you won't have to be constantly reordering supplies for your bird friends.And, most importantly, just about all species of birds can survive on seeds and grains if need be. This would be similar to you surviving on bread, nuts, and water. These may not be your favorite foods, but they will enable you to survive.But, survival is not everything. Birds, just like you do, want to get enjoyment out of life as well. This is where variety comes in. Make an effort to surprise them with different kinds of food - peanuts, sun flower seeds, even fruits. You will attract many more birds by having a variety of foods. And the ones that show up will look forward to the variety that they find in your garden.

